この度、crisp(クリスプ)は、2020年12月24日をもちまして、サービスを終了させていただくこととなりました。 -
What’s crisp?

When your friends started to drink, you will receive push notification.
You can gather up with friends who are also out near by you or enjoy online conversation via chat and video calls with friends who can’t physically be there.
Why crisp was created?
ー Can't be bothered to plan and schedule with people.
ー Too scared to be turned down.
ー When you are drinking alone at home, sometimes you want someone to talk to.
ー You know nobody at your usual drinking place.
This app was developed to solve these situations and problems, and simply to enjoy drinking with friends without worrying time and place.
Use scenes of crisp
ー Drinking chat casually
When crisp is "ON", a thread will be opened for friends to contact the user. So you can enjoy chatting and exchanging photos while drinking. The most interesting part of this function is that the thread will be automatically deleted when Crisp is turned off. This means, it's perfect to enjoy drunk conversation with your drinking friends. If you are drinking person, surely you can recall the time when you have no longer remembered the fun drunken conversation on the next day. This automatic erasing system is likewise. Enjoy fun and maybe even little silly conversations in the threads!
ー Drink together without appointments
You can chat and join the party when you receive the push notification which tells you that your friends have started drinking. (Of course, it's OK to turn up as a surprise) Forget about scheduling the dates for drinking. Drink when it's suitable for you and let people join you instead.
Linking with Facebook
crisp can and recommends linking with your Facebook account.
You can easily connect with your friends by linking with Facebook which gives more fun experience on crisp.
Finding new friends
Enjoy conversation with people on crisp once you get chat approval by browsing photos and profiles regardless of gender.
If you feel comfortable talking to someone through chat, you can also talk with each other by allowing the calling features.
Free of charge for all function
You can use all the functions of this app to communicate with your friends both of facebook and of newly found ones in crisp, without any fee and limit.
Reliable design / function
- When users are searched by name etc. on the search engine, crisp's information (including membership) will not be disclosed there.
- Even if you linked with Facebook, crisp will not post anything on Facebook automatically.
- You can manage your friends by grouping them, but you can not see how other users are grouping people.
- Push notifications can be set for each user.
- You can block unpleasant users. (You can also unblock the users from the block list)
- You can easily set till what time you are drinking (call availability). With this function, you will not receive a call when sleeping or inconvenient time.
- The log-in history does not remain.
- Since the GPS function is not implemented, the application will not automatically inform your whereabouts.
Download from here!
Operating company
Bayside Building 4F 2-1-23 Kaigan Minato-ku Tokyo
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